Membership Application form
Membership Fee: Single - £12.00; Family - £15.00; annually
Please complete and send your cheque made payable to NWBAC to:-

Derek Grimshaw,
7 Whitehead Drive,
Croston Meadow,
PR26 6QY

or, Transfer via internet banking to:-
Sort Code:- 77-76-08
Account Number:- 36241760
or, if you prefer a paper-based process, click here
(* are minimum details required)

By sending us your details on this form, you are agreeing to our recording the details for the purposes of administering your membership.

Options to receive news by email and to allow other members of the club to see your personal details in the protected Members Area are selectable using the appropriate checkbox.


*Type of Membership: Single (£12.00pa) ;  Family (£15.00pa)
  First name Surname
* Your Name:
Other family members' names:
Postcode: County:
* Home tel:
Business tel:
* Email: 
Balloon details (if applicable):
Balloon name:
Type of Pilots Licence: PPL CPL PUT None
Other qualifications: Examiner: Instructor: Inspector: Observer:
Available to Crew: Yes: No: Vehicle Driving Licence: Yes: No:
  Please indicate your personal data preferences below:–
  "I am happy to receive eNews Bulletins:
  "I am happy for my details to be visible to other Club Members (only)".
  Please answer the following question to validate the form...
Does hot air rise or fall? *

Once your membership application has been completed and you have a Member's login and password, a Standing Order form is available in the Documents area as a convenient way of renewing your membership. You can also view and edit your details and personal preferences by logging in to the Members List.


 © 2025 North West Balloon and Airship Club Web site provided by John Hartley Associates